Rap1 controls the body’s sugar levels from the brain, regulating it may help manage diabetes
One day, people might be able to control diabetes from the brain.
Read MoreOne day, people might be able to control diabetes from the brain.
Read MoreThe findings support that an altered daily rhythm of expression of the Rev-erb gene in the brain may underlie dawn phenomenon in diabetes.
Read MoreEating extra servings typically shows up on the scale later, but how this happens has not been clear. In his lab at Baylor College of
Read MoreWhen the executioner’s assistant held up the freshly guillotined head of assassin Charlotte Corday by her hair and slapped her face on both cheeks in
Read MoreIt was not what the researchers were expecting to find when they set out to investigate how the protein complex NCOR1/2 regulates memory. “We knew
Read MoreIt is known that certain areas of the brain are responsible for certain functions of the body. The cerebellum, a structure found in the back
Read MoreWhen male and female mice eat the same high-fat diet, the males gain significantly more weight than the females. The reasons for this difference between
Read MoreAh, yes. A few friends standing around at some function or event, enjoying some refreshments and- wait, is that a brain? Why is there a
Read MoreThe newest science series on PBS will showcase a familiar face, Dr. David Eagleman, assistant professor of neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine. For two years,
Read MoreWelcome to the weekend and to our usual roundup of news you may have missed from last week. Dengue fever It’s become clear: Dengue fever
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