
Healthy Habits: Dr. Robin Kochel enjoys hiking, low-fat smoothies

Taking care of your health is a priority and nobody knows that more than physicians and healthcare providers.

It can sometimes be difficult to find ways to stay healthy, so we’ve asked members of our Baylor College of Medicine community to share what they do in their daily lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Robin Kochel, Ph.D., associate professor of pediatrics-psychology at Baylor, shares some of her healthy habits with us.

Q: What health decisions start your day?hh-kochel
A: I always have a cup of coffee and glass of fat-free milk to start my morning. Just recently, I was introduced to Desert Sun cold-pressed coffee, which is absolutely delicious and perfect for hot summer mornings.

Q: What is your go-to healthy breakfast?
A: My husband makes us fantastic smoothies with low-fat yogurt, frozen fruit, and frozen vegetables, including kale.

Q: What is your favorite type of exercise?
A: I love to hike, but I don’t get to do it as often as I’d like. In Houston, we like to take long walks around the bayous.

Q: What is your favorite healthful snack?
A: A handful of nuts – any kind.

Q: Do you take vitamins and if so, which ones?
A: Yes. My husband, my daughter, and I each have our own bottles of gummy vitamins that we take every morning.

Q: What do you include in your child’s lunch?
A: My daughter’s school prepares healthy meals for the children and we provide the snacks. I usually pack her things like dried fruit, pretzels and cheese, applesauce, or yogurt raisins.

Q: What is your nighttime skin regimen?
A: I’m a sucker for skin care products, and I enjoy trying new ones all the time. Regardless of the products, though, I simply wash my face every night with a mild cleanser and lather on face cream. And every morning, I use a facial lotion with sunscreen and makeup that has sunscreen added.

Q: What hobbies do you have to help you relax?
A: At the end of the day, my favorite thing is to sit on the couch with my husband and watch one of our favorite TV shows or movies.

Q: What is your go-to Houston restaurant for a healthy meal?
A: I would say that the restaurant we frequent most often is Union Kitchen–they have a delicious popcorn shrimp salad, as well as other healthy (and not-so-healthy but delicious!) options.

Additional Resources

Boxing, weightlifting and family time keep Dr. Alexis Wood active

A good night’s sleep is key for Dr. Ritwick Agrawal

See how Baylor stays fit with more healthy habits from members of our community

See how Baylor promotes a culture of healthy living and wellness


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