
Healthy Habits: Dr. James Suliburk enjoys morning exercise and Houston’s food scene

Taking care of your health is a priority and nobody knows that more than physicians and healthcare providers.

It can sometimes be difficult to find ways to stay healthy, so we’ve asked members of our Baylor College of Medicine community to share what they do in their daily lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. James Suliburk, associate professor in the Division of General Surgery at Baylor, shares some of his healthy habits with us.

Q: What health decisions start your day?hh-suliburk
A: I exercise first thing in the morning at 5 a.m. It’s early but the work day starts early. If I get my workout done first, the rest of the day goes so much better. I actually have more energy throughout the day when I work out early in the morning than on days when I miss my workout.

I also try to remember to bring my healthy food that I made the night before with me to work.

Q: What is your go-to healthy breakfast?
A: Oatmeal and Greek yogurt with granola and berries.

Q: What is your favorite type of exercise?
A: It’s a tie between burpees and cycling.

Q: What keeps you motivated during your workout?
A: I’m a foodie and love to go out to eat and experience the amazing food scene in Houston. This means I have to make sure to burn calories when I work out.

Q: What activities do you do when you can’t fit in a full workout?
A: I make sure to take the stairs that day whenever I go between floors. I also fit in some stretching in the early afternoon.

Q: What is your favorite healthful snack?
A: Almonds.

Q: What do you include in your child’s lunch?
A: Our son William is two and a half. His lunch is usually some ham or turkey with fresh strawberries and yogurt.

Q. How do you make an unhealthy recipe healthy (healthy substitutions)?
A: I use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream and olive oil or avocado oil instead of butter.

Q: What is your nighttime skin regimen?
A: None – I just drink plenty of water during the day.

Q: What hobbies do you have to help you relax?
A: Exercising regularly and spending quality time with my family.

Q: What is your go-to Houston restaurant for a healthy meal?
A: I love the ahi tuna at El Tiempo.

Q: Do you use a pedometer or Fitbit and what is your daily step goal?
A: Nope – but my daily schedule ensures that I get plenty of walking in during the day.

Q: What is your favorite health tip that you live by?
A: Everything in moderation and plenty of water daily.

Additional Resources

Isabel Valdez stays relaxed with knitting and at-home yoga

Enjoying hobbies, limiting caffeine help Dr. Karen Lawson stay balanced

See how Baylor stays fit with more healthy habits from members of our community.

View dietitian-approved recipes.

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