Help your kids stress less over tests

Lots of children experience anxiety over tests, but they – and their parents – can deal with it through the right attitude and taking care of their physical health, said a Baylor College of Medicine psychiatry professor.
Kids should understand that nervousness about a test is a normal feeling, said Dr. Megan Mooney, adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Baylor College of Medicine. They can deal with it by practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing and learning to stop negative thoughts when they first creep up.
Parents’ can help ease anxiety by not placing too much pressure on their children. Mooney urges parents to talk about the importance of kids being prepared and doing their best, rather than focusing on grades.
Students of all ages must also take care of their physical health at exam time by eating well and getting enough sleep. Older students also can help ease their anxiety by creating a schedule for themselves as soon as they receive their syllabus. They should find an optimal studying environment, whether it’s a quiet library or somewhere they can have music playing.
It is very important to continue to exercise, and monitor the amount and timing of caffeimated beverages