
Healthy Habits: Dr. Wyatt Kupperman enjoys cycling and cooking at home

It can sometimes be difficult to find ways to stay healthy, so we’ve asked members of our Baylor College of Medicine community to share what they do in their daily lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Wyatt Kupperman, assistant professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, shares some of his healthy habits with us.

An infographic showing the face of Wyatt Kupperman with text reading: Question: What keeps you motivated during your workout? Answer: Lately, I have been virtual cycling with my younger brother. Nothing keeps one motivated more than the helpful “encouragement” from a sibling. But working out with a partner or in a group setting has always been more enjoyable than alone.Q: What health decisions start your day? 

A: I try to perform a brief period of mindfulness-based meditation to start my day. Usually, it consists of a few minutes to focus on myself for the day. I also perform a few standard low back stretches and exercises to begin the day. I know this is shocking as a spine medicine physician.

Q:  What is your go-to healthy breakfast? 

A: I may get some flak for this, but I usually do not eat breakfast. Through school and subsequent training, I practiced more of an intermittent fasting schedule and didn’t eat breakfast. This has become a habit I continue to practice. I usually eat around lunchtime through dinnertime hours.

If I do have something, a go-to healthy breakfast may be whole grain avocado toast, sometimes with an egg.

Q: What is your favorite type of exercise? 

A: Cycling, whether it be outdoors or indoors, is a terrific way to burn calories. Also, depending on my location and climate, I am a fan of hiking having spent considerable time in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and Southern California as well.

Q: What keeps you motivated during your workout? 

A: Lately, I have been virtual cycling with my younger brother. Nothing keeps one motivated more than the helpful “encouragement” from a sibling. But working out with a partner or in a group setting has always been more enjoyable than alone.

Q: What activities do you do when you can’t fit in a full workout? 

A: Living in Houston, I am fortunate with the warm climate to fit in more golf than years past. I walk while I play so this adds to the aerobic activity. We adopted a puppy during COVID-19 pandemic, so I’m getting plenty of walks in most days.

Q: What have you been doing to stay healthy during COVID-19? Do you have any advice for coping with the pandemic? 

A: With the COVID-19 pandemic, we purchased a peloton and membership. This is a great way to stay active aerobically and connected with friends and family.

YouTube was also a major source for short at-home workouts. Whether it be yoga, aerobics or body weight specific programs, there are a variety of options to choose from.

My wife and I also spent more time cooking at home, like most. This made us more aware of the recipes and what we were putting into our bodies. Sticking with leaner proteins, fresh vegetables and removing added sugar when able from our diet was beneficial.

Q:  What is your favorite healthful snack? 

A: If I am having a snack, it may consist of some fresh fruit, mixture of nuts and cheese and hummus.

Q: How do you make an unhealthy recipe healthy (healthy substitutions)? 

A: I usually do not worry too much about this. We try to limit our red meat intake generally. We try to avoid added sugars in our recipes and in the ingredients we use to cook with. My wife and I try to follow clean recipes and shop for natural organic foods, but when we have a dinner out, we do enjoy the meals.

Q:  What hobbies do you have to help you relax? 

A: As I mentioned, I try to play as much golf as I can. Most evenings, I try to read for pleasure, something that is non-medical. Mindfulness mediation also helps with relaxation.

Q: What is your go-to Houston restaurant for a healthy meal? 

A: My wife and I are big fans of True Food Kitchen.

Q:  What is your favorite health tip that you live by? 

A: It really comes down to moderation, to live with gratitude and to just keep moving.

Additional Resources:

Healthy Habits: Dr. Chad Wilson enjoys running and golfing

Healthy Habits: A DOC-umentary Series – Dr. Sharmila Anandasabapathy

Healthy Habits: A DOC-umentary Series – Dr. Jill Weatherhead

Learn how Baylor promotes a culture of healthy living and wellness

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