
Healthy Habits: Protein-rich breakfasts, relaxing walks key for Dr. Peter Jian

It can sometimes be difficult to find ways to stay healthy, so we’ve asked members of our Baylor College of Medicine community to share what they do in their daily lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Peter Jian, assistant professor of family and community medicine at Baylor, shares some of his healthy habits with us.

Q: What health decisions start your day?
A: Eating a healthy breakfast.dr peter jian-HH

Q: What is your go-to healthy breakfast?
A: I have many favorites. I like to pick protein-rich choices to kick start my day.

Q: What is your favorite type of exercise?
A : Swimming.

Q: What keeps you motivated during your workout?
A: I simply enjoy the activities. I think for many of us, the best workouts are the ones we enjoy the most.

Q: What activities do you do when you can’t fit in a full workout?
A: In this case, I consider taking a walk. It is relaxing, and I can get some steps.

Q: What is your favorite healthful snack?
A: A small handful of nuts. It is rich in fiber and unsaturated fat, which are good for your heart.

Q: Do you take vitamins and if so, which ones?
A: Yes, I take vitamin D.

Q: How do you make an unhealthy recipe healthy?
A: It may not be entirely possible for every meal, but I try to substitute saturated fat and simple sugar with heart healthy fat and fiber-rich ingredients whenever I can.

Q: What is your nighttime skin regimen?
A: I have a three-step skin regimen that consists of exfoliating, cleansing, and moisturizing.

Q: What hobbies do you have to help you relax?
A: I enjoy dancing and spending time with my friends.

Q: What is your favorite health tip that you live by?
A: Treat your health as an investment for a better future.

Additional Resources

Dr. Nneka Okafor enjoys overnight oatmeal, meditates to relax

Planning gym time, watching baseball help Dr. Nadia Ismail stay balanced

Read more healthy habits from members of our community.

Learn how Baylor promotes a culture of healthy living and wellness.


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