BCM and the BP MS 150

Among the thousands of bike riders taking part in the BP MS 150 this past weekend were a group of BCM riders, including Dr. George Hutton, director of the Maxine Mesinger MS Comprehensive Care Center.
While the ride raises millions of dollars for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, BCM does benefit from those funds locally.
According to Hutton the NMSS helps supply financial support for a social worker and nurse position for the Maxine Mesinger MS Clinic, a part of the Comprehensive Care Center. There is also an NMSS clinical fellow, Dr. Elizabeth Dragan, who is supported via a grant from the NMSS.

Hutton has ridden in the MS150 for the past eight years, this year riding with a team from Texas Children’s Hospital.
Did you ride in the MS 150 this year? Tell us about your experience.
Why doesn’t Baylor have a team? I will be happy to help get one together.
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