Saving lives 20 minutes at a time: Preventing colon cancer
It is an uncomfortable topic for some, but it shouldn’t be. We are talking about colonoscopies.
During this 20-minute procedure, precancerous growths can be identified and eliminated at the same time.
That means cancer can be stopped before it even begins.

Colorectal cancer (colon or rectal cancer) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death among men and women in the United States.
Approximately 60 percent of colorectal cancer deaths could be prevented if all men and women 50 years and older were screened, as recommended.
There are some lifestyle changes that can help lower the risk of colon cancer, such as a proper diet high in fruits and vegetable and low in saturated fat. Calcium supplements and adding exercise to your daily schedule can also help.
While improving what you eat is always good for overall health, nothing can replace regular screenings.
Patients can call 713-798-0950 to schedule a visit or request an appointment online.
Learn more about how to prevent colon cancer and the importance of screening.
-By Dr. Waqar Qureshi, professor of medicine and chief of endoscopy