
Growing Up Baylor: Dr. James Lomax

Imagine studying, training and eventually working at the same institution during the span of your career. A special group of physicians, faculty members, researchers and staff at Baylor College of Medicine have had this unique experience.

Dr. James Lomax, professor and Brown Foundation Chair of Psychoanalysis in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine, tells us about his journey.

Question: Did you always know you wanted to study medicine/science?

Answer: My mother’s struggles with bipolar disorder and her psychiatrist inviting me into a few of their sessions made medicine interesting from early times. I had aspirations but lacked talent for professional baseball.

Q: Where and when did your journey with Baylor College of Medicine start?

A: In 1963, I was invited to participate in (then dean of students) Dr. Jim Schofield’s inaugural summer program for high school graduates considering medicine.

Q: What is your favorite memory from being a student at Baylor?

A: On Dr. DeBakey’s service, he was out of town one day, so Dr. George Noon took us to The Shamrock Hotel pool for a swim.

Q: What inspired you to continue working at Baylor?  

A: I had great medical student experiences and then returned after completing two years in the National Health Service Corps and making the difficult decision that I was better suited for psychiatry than family medicine after meetings with faculty like Bob Williams, Dave Freedman and Bob Gilliland.

Q: Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your younger self?

A: Don’t be afraid to ask to meet with people who interest you.

Q: What do you think makes the program at Baylor unique?

A: Our diversity of clinical sites and a major emphasis on clinical education.

Q: Do you have advice for current trainees?

A: Follow your bliss and take good advantage of the good people that happen to you in life.

Q: How has sticking with Baylor programs and becoming a faculty member impacted your life/career?

A: I have had the wonderful experience of consistently meeting great and interesting people as colleagues, learners and patients.

Q: Do you have a mantra? If so, what is it?
Be curious about things and people who are different from you.

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