What’s in your hurricane kit?
We’re a month into the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season and while we haven’t had a storm yet, you still need to be prepared. We asked some of our faculty members to share what they have in their hurricane kit and what they recommend patients should have in their kits.
Q: What’s the number one thing in your hurricane kit?
Outside of water/food supplies, the No. 1 thing (ok, two) I have in my kit are a first aid kit and a multipurpose tool. – Dr. Eric Storch, professor and vice chair in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Meals ready-to-eat (gotta have food), batteries, fans (because it’ll be hot) and crank/battery radio (for news alerts). I keep it all in a plastic bin that I can transport to my car if we ever need to evacuate the house on a moment’s notice. – Dr. Cedric Dark, assistant professor of emergency medicine
Q: What would you recommend for hurricane first-timer to have in their kit?
Water, batteries, including a device to recharge phone if no access to electricity; battery-powered fan; candles, flashlight, canned foods, instant coffee. – Dr. Stacey Rose, associate of medicine – infectious diseases
Water, canned goods with easy-open tops (beans, tuna or chicken, soups), battery-powered flashlight with extra batteries, wireless chargers or charged battery back for electronics, blanket, dry change of clothes, extra socks and tennis shoes, sleeping bag, pillow, written plan of action in the case of having to shelter in place, pet food and bowls (and a litter box if needed!). – Courtney Cary, senior registered dietitian with the Department of Medicine-Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Q: What do you recommend for your patients to have in their kit?
For my patients specifically, I recommend bottled water and extra oral nutrition supplements or over-the-counter shakes that can be taken by mouth or tube fed, sterile supplies, medication bags with extra meds. Portable shelf-stable snacks for specific diet needs are a must!! – Courtney Cary
Highly variable – all of the usuals, but they need to have their medications easy to pack in a pinch. If meds need refrigeration, or any patient on oxygen or who needs electricity, having an emergency plan or access to a generator is critical. – Dr. Rose
-By Anna Kiappes