Welcome to the new Progress Notes
It is easy to see that Baylor College of Medicine students study hard and work even harder on the wards. Less apparent are the creative voices behind the stethoscopes. We want to change that. We believe that the process of writing our stories and reading the work of our classmates will make us sharper thinkers, more reflective people, and better doctors.
That’s why we’re relaunching the student blog, Progress Notes, as a student magazine. This new site will include the same student reflections that we loved, but will also feature opinion pieces, book reviews, poetry, and student artwork.
In the coming weeks you will see reflections on the beauty of human anatomy, the conflict between the cost of prescriptions and medical innovation, and a vignette of what it’s like to be a medical student on a Native American reservation. Stop by every Monday.
We have some great articles ready to go, but hope that many of you will be inspired to write more. If you have an idea, let us know. We would love to work with you.
Or just sit back and enjoy the creativity of your fellow students. Look for the first piece next week.
– Progress Notes Editors: Emily, Julia, and Jason