
Bad classroom behavior? Examine vision, hearing for your student

Have a student acting out in school? Hearing or vision problems could be driving their behavior.012715-classroom-blog

Dr. James Bray, associate professor of family and community medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, says when a child cannot hear or see the lessons they cannot pay attention in class.

Bray said another scenario that can occur is where children think they hear what the teacher is saying, but actually are getting the information wrong, so it looks like they are not paying attention or are being defiant.

Parents can mistake their child’s behavior as a learning disability. Bray stresses the importance of seeing a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

“Before a parent begins to worry, a family medicine doctor or pediatrician can conduct a basic hearing and vision test that can identify whether a hearing or vision specialist is needed, or if another problem is to blame,” he said.

Bray said once a diagnosis is made there may be simple solutions, such as making sure a child sits in the front of the class.

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