AAMC and BCM: Dialogue on social media and patient engagement

This week leaders of AAMC member institutions will convene in Scottsdale, Arizona, for the joint gathering of the COD, COTH/CMOG and the GFP. For the uninformed, these acronyms represent the Council of Deans, Council of Teaching Hospitals, Chief Medical Officers Group and the Group on Faculty Practice. Needless to say, this is a serious assembly of academic firepower.
Front and center on the agenda this year: Social media and patient engagement.
I’m excited to be participating in a panel with the University of Chicago’s Vinny Aurora and Kaiser Permanente’s Ted Eytan. Our moderator is Jennifer Salopek, editor of the AAMC’s Wing of Zock.
The importance of the conversation
Our goal is simple: We want to create a dynamic, conversational session that gives academic leaders the tools and know-how to help their faculty and staff engage in public dialogue.
Here’s why it’s important: Those who participate in the global conversation will enjoy an advantage over those who don’t. The content we create, the conversations we facilitate and the footprints we leave will play a key role in defining the hospital and medical school in the digital age.
Joining the dialogue
If you’re here at BCM or just part of the Momentum community, we’re trying to pull the academic community into the conversation. If you have any questions, comments or thoughts on medical schools and their role in public social dialogue, leave them below and we’ll pull them into the panel.
It’s exciting to bring what we are doing at BCM in digital medicine and education to the national stage. If you are going to be in Scottsdale for the AAMC meeting on Saturday, April 6, join us at 2:00-3:15 pm MST in (Breakout session G), and again from 3:30-4:45 pm MST (Breakout session P), in the Castillo Lucena Room.
Our panel and its presence in Scottsdale this year is made possible through the support of AAMC’s Chief Health Care Officer, Joanne Conroy, MD (@joanneconroymd), who is doing amazing things to move academic medicine into the digital age.
–Dr. Bryan Vartabedian, assistant professor of pediatrics. Read more about his work on social media and medicine on his blog, 33 Charts.