Prized speakers, including Nobel Laureate, to speak at BCM March 7

For an established scientist like myself with a 40-plus year career studying biochemistry and genetics, there is no greater enjoyment than learning new science.
That’s why it is particularly exciting when Baylor College of Medicine hosts top level scientists, such as the presenters visiting this week as part of the 41st Annual Verna and Marrs McLean Lectures in Biochemistry.

The speakers, Dr. Brian Kobilka, 2012 Nobel Laureate, and Dr. Melanie Cobb, the Jane and Bill Browning, Jr. Endowed Chair in Medical Science at UT Southwestern Medical Center, represent the best that science has to offer. It is a real privilege to have them both here for this important event. Both are members of the National Academy of Sciences, a very high honor for any scientist.
For our medical and graduate students, postdoctoral associates and trainees, this is an excellent opportunity to hear first-hand how science is conducted at the top level. For the larger BCM and Texas Medical Center community, this is a great opportunity to see another example of world-class and outstanding scientists.
With visiting scientists like Dr. Kobilka and Dr. Cobb, it is always so fascinating to hear their background – how they grew up, what or who got them into training, and what sort of obstacles they had to overcome.

Dr. Kobilka will present his pioneering work on the structural basis of G protein coupled receptor signaling. He’s the current chair of the department of molecular and cellular physiology and a professor of medicine and molecular and cellular physiology at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Dr. Cobb will give a presentation called “ERKonomics in beta cells and cancer.” Dr. Cobb is a professor and holds the Jane and Bill Browning, Jr. Endowed Chair in Medical Science at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
The lecture series is open to the public. It will be held in Cullen Auditorium from 2-5 p.m. on Thursday, March 7.
-By Dr. John Wilson