
Healthy Habits: Dr. Alexander Saucedo enjoys spin classes

It can sometimes be difficult to find ways to stay healthy, so we’ve asked members of our Baylor College of Medicine community to share what they do in their daily lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Alexander Saucedo, assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, shares some of his healthy habits with us.

A graphic showing Dr. Alexander Saucedo's health tip about health decisions to start his day, as seen in the article. Question: What health decisions start your day?

Answer: The best decision I can make to start my day off right begins with having a good nighttime regimen by trying to get to sleep at an appropriate time, and then in the morning, I try to fit in my workout for the day before going to work.

Q: What is your go-to healthy breakfast?

A: Healthy breakfast for me would typically consist of a quick high-protein snack, water and coffee.

Q: What is your favorite type of exercise?

A: I think my favorite exercise has to be either indoor spin classes at Ride indoor cycling or Ryde in the Heights area as well as street and trail running along the beautiful bayous.

Q: What keeps you motivated during your workout?

A: Usually, the spin classes have a great music playlist, the instructors have good energy, and the entire group of riders really get into the workout. When I’m by myself running I think finding a good music playlist like a DJ/EDM set is what keeps me going.

Q: What activities do you do when you can’t fit in a full workout?

A: When I can’t fit in a full workout, I really try to walk the TMC as much as possible. I take stairs at every opportunity and really focus on my day and workload so I can plan to have another good workout in the future.

Q: What is your favorite healthful snack?

A: My favorite healthy snack has to be either Greek yogurt or mangos!

Q: Do you take vitamins and if so, which ones?

A: Just a simple HEB men’s daily multivitamin.

Q: How do you make an unhealthy recipe healthy (healthy substitutions)?

A: Generally, any recipe can be turned healthy by substituting out saturated fats, using olive oil and baking rather than frying. Additionally, adding as much variety and quantity to your fruits and vegetables really helps.

Q: What is your nighttime skin regimen?

A: Wash my face with water and CeraVe face soap.

Q: What hobbies do you have to help you relax?

A: My general relaxation hobbies typically consist of going out with my wife, friends and family to see sports games in the Houston area. Finding the next good EDM concert or really any concert to attend. Finally, I really enjoy relaxing at home on Sundays and starting up a good BBQ/grilling session, especially when it’s hot outside.

Q: What is your favorite health tip that you live by?

A: Healthy eating, activities and exercise requires forming habits. It is totally okay to change things up and add variety, but I would strongly recommend trying something healthy each day even if you don’t feel like it. That extra daily effort becomes habit over time and soon it will be a part of your daily routine.

Also, finding a community of people who enjoy the same activities as you do really helps in gathering motivation to do that activity on a daily basis. Incorporating your habits into your friend and family groups really helps for maintenance.

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