
Welcome new School of Medicine, Graduate School and School of Health Professions students!

Over the summer, we welcomed our newest students in the Baylor College of Medicine School of Medicine, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and School of Health ProfessionsGenetic Counseling Program, Orthotics and Prosthetics Program and Physician Assistant Program. We extend a warm welcome to our newest trainees!

Here’s a breakdown of who started at Baylor this summer:

Graduate School for Biomedical Sciences

  • Total students: 104
    • Texan: 23
    • Non-Texan: 32
    • International: 49
  • Undergraduate colleges/universities represented: 53

School of Medicine (combined Houston and Temple)

  • Total students: 226
    • Texan: 203
    • Non-Texan: 23
  • Science GPA: 3.9
  • MCAT: 518

Genetic Counseling Program (School of Health Professions)

  • Total students: 10
    • Texan: 4
    • Non-Texan: 6
  • Undergraduate colleges/universities represented: 10

Orthotics and Prosthetics Program (School of Health Professions)

  • Total students: 25
    • Texan: 5
    • Non-Texan: 20
  • Undergraduate colleges/universities represented: 22

Physician Assistant Program (School of Health Professions)

  • Total students: 40
    • Texan: 27
    • Non-Texan: 13
  • Undergraduate colleges/universities represented: 30

By Anna Kiappes

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